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About Bill

WILLIAM D. THRASHER (B.S., Auburn University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) has served on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute since 1980 and on the graduate school faculty since 1990, where he oversees the Master’s Program in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. He is a frequent speaker in churches and retreats across the country. He has written numerous articles on a variety of subjects related to Christian living. His books include God as He Wants You to Know Him, Living the Life God has Planned, A Journey to Victorious Praying, Believing God for His Best, and Putting God Back into the Holidays published by Moody Publishers and he has also written How to be a Soul Physician, The Attributes of God in Pauline Theology, Experiencing the Pleasure of Believing God and Principles of Christian Living from Romans 5-8. He has written “Jonah” in the Moody Bible Commentary and has authored two online courses: Biblical Spiritual Formation and Biblical Spiritual Formation Lab 1. He is married to Penny and they have three sons: Will, Michael, and David.


“Four Wrong Reasons to Pursue the Spiritual Disciplines,” “Ask Whatever You Wish,” “A Divinely Inspired Portrait” [two articles on the attributes of God], and “Worship in Heaven.” Moody Magazine.

“The Purpose of Knowledge,” The Marriage of Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life”, “What Does it Mean to Delight in God,” “The Goodness of Praise,” and “Preparing the Soil of Your Own Heart.” The Preacher.

“The Life of George Mueller,” “Keeping Truth in Balance,” “What is Worship,” “Interpreting Difficult Passages,” “What is Godliness,” “Christian Liberty,” “Thinking Rightly About the Body,” “Knowing God’s Will,” “Can God Speak Through a Genealogy?,” “The Bible and Science,” “Old Testament Predictions of Christmas,” “God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility in the Christian Life,” “Learning from a Book,” “Various Attributes of God – Spirit, Eternal, Immutable, Omniscient, Omni-present (2),” “How God Grows Up a Child,” “The One Perfect Father – God,” “Transformed by the Grace of God,” “How to Live Above Bitterness,” “Understanding the True Need of Our Hearts,” “Meaning and Significance of the Resurrection,” “God’s View of Work,” “The Day the Lord Saved Me,” “Don’t Judge One Another,” “God’s Promises – The Answer to Our Fears,” “Is the Bible Full of Contradictions,” “A Living Epistle of Christ,” “President’s Day and the Believer,” “Cry From the Cave – Psalm 51,” Triumph of the King – Psalm 21,” and ”The Marriage of Discipline and Delight in Your Prayer Life.” Gospel Herald andSunday School Times.

118 articles on key passages and texts of the Bible. Bible Expositor and Illuminator.

124 articles. Union Gospel Press.

Five articles. The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions.

Work and Ministry Information:

Program head for MA in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship, Moody Graduate School

Professor of Bible and Theology of Moody Graduate School 1990 – present

Professor of Bible and Theology of Moody Undergraduate School 1980 – 1989

Speaking at various churches and retreats across the country including some interim pastorates during this time; presently He is involved in College Church of Wheaton as an adult community leader teaching in the foundational classes and working in the youth programs

Speaking on National Radio Programs: Open Line, Prime Time America, Morning Show, WMBI, and numerous other radio stations in connection with my writing.

Previous Work and Ministry Information:

Pastoral internship at First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga, TN, 1974

Pastoral internship at Cornerstone Bible Church of Montgomery, AL, 1975 and 1976

Teaching assistant in Greek class at Dallas Theological Seminary

Teacher in Lay Institute at Dallas Theological Seminary

Campus discipleship ministry at Auburn University and Southern Methodist University

Singles ministry at Fellowship Bible Church in Dallas, TX

US Air Force Reserve

Courses He Has Taught:

He has taught twenty-six of the twenty-seven New Testament books and some books numerous times (Romans about 50 times).
He has taught every area of Systematic Theology, as well as Biblical Theology of the New Testament.

He has taught numerous Spiritual Formation classes. These include:

Spiritual Life and Ministry

Christian Life and Ethics

Theology and Practice of Prayer

Spiritual Disciplines and Spiritual Warfare

Worship and the Attributes of God

Spirituality and the Family

Theology and Practice of Discipleship

Advanced Theology of Practical Sanctification

Extracurricular Activities and Honors

Employment Years:

2006 Faculty Citation Award for Outstanding Teacher

Alumni Award for Outstanding Teacher – 1995

Class Advisor – 8 years

Chair – Theological Lectureship – 3 years

Educational Administration Council – 4 terms

Research Project Committee – 8 years

Library Committee

Faculty Secretary – 2 years

Accreditation Committee NCA, AABC

Academic Admissions Committee

Academic Standards Committee

Financial Aid Committee

Curriculum Committee

Instructional Supervision Committee

Park District Basketball Coach – 3 years

Park District Soccer Coach – 5 years

Park District Baseball Coach – 7 years

Educational Years:

Eagle Scout

Spades Honorary (top 10 senior men)

Omicron Delta Kappa Men?s Leadership Honorary

President of School of Business

President of Auburn’s IBG team that entered national competition

Represented Auburn University at Business Tomorrow Conference in Washington D.C.

Instituted State Business Tomorrow Conference at Auburn which brought together faculty, students, and businessmen from across the state

President Pro Tempore of Student Senate

Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi Scholastic Honoraries

Recipient of Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award

Recipient of American Marketing Association Award

Recipient of President’s Award from School of Business

Squires Leadership Honorary (top 13 Freshman men)

Jeffrey Frazier Stein Award (most outstanding Sophomore on campus)

Howard Strong Award (outstanding contribution to Auburn University)

Delta Sigma Pi Key (highest GPA for graduating male in school of business)

Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities at Auburn University and Dallas Theological Seminary

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