Just came back from a quick trip to attend the 200th anniversary of the Collegiate Day of Prayer held at Asbury on Feb 23. That had been planned, but the 24 hour non stop services that began on Feb. 8 that lasted for days was a God ordained event that spontaneously drew people from every region across our country as well as believers from many parts of the world.
- Pray that the radical humility and the raw confession and repentance that led to strongholds being broken , salvation for some, and a lives of love and worship for all who encountered God’s manifest presence would continue to spread.
- Pray about joining the thousands of people have responded to the invitation to adopt a college campus to pray for- I have adopted my undergraduate school- Auburn university- and planning a brief visit there March 12-18 Go to https://collegiatedayofprayer.org
- Pray that all who receive this email would respond to the Spirit in their lives and find a refreshing energy amidst all in their ministry obligations and other present and future responsibilities. We need this energizing move of the Spirit
- Pray for all of those that are influenced informally and formally by the lives and ministries of all those who receive this email to experience a fresh filling of the Spirit- I have students entering the final days of two Biblical Spiritual Formation classes that I am teaching with much to be done, and other students preparing for a four day modular March 6-9, and still others preparing for a new 8 week class in Spirituality and the Family starting March 20.
We need our Precious Lord to usher in a new Jesus Revolution in our lives, families, churches !!!
Thanks for your overwhelming kindness to respond in prayer as God enables